Saturday 8 December 2012

Friday 7th December 2012

Watched a bit of the Third Test Match between England and India which is in Kolkata

After lunch on the balcony we went to the Pool for a bit. It was a bit overcast and we both caught a bit more sun than we had thought.

Just before we left the pool, we met a nice lady and her daughter from Leicester. She told us that they had been up in the north of India for a family funeral and had then spent some time in Mumbai, before heading down to Goa. They are having a week here before heading back to Mumbai to meet her brother, collect the Urn with the ashes before spreading them up in the north of India. i can't recall where she said that was, but it is where her family originates from.

Headed out to the lane to get a taxi and spoke to Suhail and Adil for a bit.

Peter and Suhail

Had another evening with Peter at Kalinga Restaurant along at Siquerim, Merlyn and I sharing Vegetable Spring Rolls and then a Butter Chicken, Jeera Rice and a couple of Tomato and Onion Parathas. Peter had a Chicken Tikka. 

Merlyn and Peter

We went over to the Stone House which is just across the road, but the band was on a break, so we decided just to head back to Jambalaya for a nightcap.

Photos of The Stone House, Candolim

This photo of The Stone House is courtesy of TripAdvisor

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